Search Items

Number of rows in "Narrow by Specific Fields": 1

Narrow by Specific Fields

Filter this search for items with the selected relation. For example, when selecting "Subject" items with the "hasPart" relation, the search will return all items that have parts. When selecting "Object" items with the same relation, the search will return all items that are parts of other items.

Filter this search for items being "Subject" (or "Object", respectively) in relations that contain a certain text portion in their comments.

Subject Object

You may enter a date in the forms YYYY, YYYY-MM, or YYYY-MM-DD, or a timespan consisting of two dates, separated by a hypen ("-"). Date Search will find items that contain dates and timespans matching your search. For example: "1970" will find an item mentioning the timespan "1960-1980".

You may enter a number in the forms XXXX, XXXX-YY, or XXXX-YY-ZZ, or a number range consisting of two numbers, separated by a hypen ("-"). You may also select one of the units that you defined to limit the search to. Range Search will find items that contain numbers and number ranges matching your search. For example: "500" will find an item mentioning the number range "450-550".

You may enter a number or a number range consisting of two numbers, separated by a hypen ("-"); for example, you may enter "42" or "40-45". You may also select one or more units that you defined to limit the search to.